Monday, February 8, 2010

Vote the Bums Out!

I find it humorous that so many were so close to a full awakening, only to allow neocons to co-opt the movement. If the government seeks to control an argument they simply control both sides of the argument. They steer the movement to the desired result. There were NO neocons or other party loyal politicians in the beginning. Now it is flooded with neocons. The sheep actually think if they put neocons back in, things will change. They won't! The same bankers control both parties and are afraid of the people. That is why they had people like Palin and Perry as well as Glenn Beck attempt to hijack the movement that WAS aimed at the bankers behind the politicians and policies. Now it is all about placing blame, full blame, on the democrats. As if the so-called conservatives are any better with their lies to go to war, their torture on one hand and their claim to be Christian on the other, and their globalist mindset. I was once a loyal member of the Republican party. I remember telling my wife I wished I could punch someone in the face when they criticized Bush. Now I am a loyal and good American. Now I am loyal only to the Constitution and Jesus Christ. The shell game being played with the people is easy. The bankers(Federal Reserve) are the real power in Washington D.C. Through blackmail, bribery, and murder they push an agenda for world government. Our politicians are their puppets due to one of the methods mentioned above being used on them. BOTH parties are under their control, that is why nothing ever changes. They know we will get tired of their agenda and vote them out. That is why the other party is just sitting there waiting for your emotions to swing towards them. The bankers though, the true enemy, never get looked at let alone prosecuted as the traitors they are. I have never seen so many people act like sheep. You just keep following the same crooked politicians on both sides. The only way REAL change is gonna happen is if the people recognize the game being played with them and refuse to play anymore. The Federal Reserve has got to go and congress has got to reassert it's authority to regulate our money. Then politicians that have been bribed or blackmailed have to be removed. Media monopolies have got to be broken up or info will never be disseminated to the people without being twisted and spun. The people are being manipulated on a grand scale by people who are only interested in keeping the positions of power and control they have managed to slither into. They are loyal to themselves and to money. The time has come to fully awaken to the tyranny and the level of manipulation being used against our minds. The media and our government use psychology and hypnotic techniques against us on a daily basis. Tune out the corporate media. Use your google and research the news for yourself. Check or for news that the corporate media will not cover. They link to the original story so one can read the entire, original article. Finally, if nothing else, question everything told you by government and media. Force answers then fact check the answers. Stop being sheep and start asserting your power based on your own research, not on what Glenn Beck tells you. Let us not forget, Beck demonized Tea Partiers and Ron Paul supporters only months ago. He called for their round up and imprisonment. Now he wants to play nice and act like he is a lover of truth. You really must WANT to believe the lie to buy into people like him.